Cultural Ethnic Composition
Ethnic Group Distribution (click on image for a larger picture)
Facts about Uganda
GNI, 2000 (US$, billions) | 6.7 |
GNI per capita, 2000 (US$) | 300 |
GDP, avg. annual growth rate, 1999-00 (%) | 3.5 |
GDP per capita, avg. annual growth rate, 1999-00 (%) | 0.8 |
Population, 2000 (millions) | 22.2 |
Population growth rate, 1980-00 (%) | 2.8 |
Infant mortality rate, 2000 (per 1,000 live births) | 83 |
Under-five mortality rate, 2000 (per 1,000 live births) | 161 |
Maternal Mortality Ratio, 1990-1998 (per 100,000 live births) | 510 |
Life expectancy at birth, 2000 (years) Male Female |
42 42 42 |
Primary school enrollment ratio, net, 1998 (%) | |
Adult illiteracy rate, 2000 (% of population age 15 and over) Male Female |
22 43 |
Prevalance of HIV, 1999 (%) Adults Young Male (age 15-24) Young Female (age 15-24) |
8.30 3.84 7.82 |
Access to an Improved Water Source, 2000 (% of population) | 50 |
Energy use per capita, commercial, 1999 (kg of oil equivalent) |
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